논문 목록
Inhibition of ß-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 and cholinesterases by pterosins via specific structure-activity relationship with a strong BBB permeability
- 발행기관 : Experimental & Molecular Medicine (Exp. Mol. Med.) | 권호 : 2019/51(2) article number 12
- 발표저널 : Nature Publishing Group | 발행년도 : 2019년
Coixlachryside B: A new benzoxazinoid glycoside from the roots of Coix lachryma-jobi var. ma-yuen (Gramineae)
- 발행기관 : J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. | 권호 : 2019/21(8) 806-812
- 발표저널 : Taylor & Francis | 발행년도 : 2019년
Secondary metabolites from branches of Eucommia ulmoides
- 발행기관 : Chem. Nat. Compd. | 권호 : 2018/54(5) 1009-1011
- 발표저널 : springer | 발행년도 : 2018년
(‒)-Pteroside N and pterosinone, New BACE1 and cholinesterase inhibitors from Pteridium aquilinum
- 발행기관 : Phytochem. Lett. | 권호 : 2018/27 63-68
- 발표저널 : Elsevier | 발행년도 : 2018년
Sideroxylin (Callistemon lanceolatus) suppressed cell proliferation and increased apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction, the generation of reactive oxygen species and an increase of lipid peroxidation
- 발행기관 : Journal of Cellular Physiology (J. Cell Physiol.) | 권호 : 2018/233(11) 8597-8604
- 발표저널 : Wiley | 발행년도 : 2018년